Carborundum EZ Sheet Plastic Protective Sheeting

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Norton Blue Wrap Protective Plastic Barriers and Covers

Norton Blue Wrap Protective Plastic Barriers and Covers
Norton Blue Wrap Plastic Barriers and Covers for Cars
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Carborundum EZ Sheet Plastic Protective Sheeting
Tri-layer paintable sheeting
Paint adheres to the outside layer of plastic, eliminating flakeoff
1 Roll - Choose Your Size
Carborundum EZ Sheet Protective Plastic Sheeting
- Cling ensures material adheres to the area that is to be protected
- EZ Sheet can be cut and painted along the critical edge
- Tri-layer plastic is .4 mil thick
- Easy to handle
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 03001, 201259, 201260, 201261, 201262, 201263, 63769, 63770, 63895, 63896, abrasives, carborundum, masking, plastic, protection, protective, sheet, sheeting, painting-automotive supplies, masking - protection, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Sheet, Plastic, Protective, Sheeting, layer, paintable, Paint, adheres, outside, eliminating, flakeoff, Choose
Description: Carborundum EZ Sheet Plastic Protective Sheeting. Tri-layer paintable sheeting. Paint adheres to the outside layer of plastic, eliminating flakeoff. 1 Roll - Choose Your Size.
Categories: Painting/Automotive Supplies > Masking & Protection
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care > Vehicle Covers
SKU(s): 201275, 201276, 201277, 201278, 201435
MPN(s): 3001, 63769, 63770, 63895, 63896