Carborundum EZ Touch Sanding Sponges

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Norton Soft Touch Sponges for Fine Finishing

Norton Soft Touch Sponges for Fine Finishing
Norton SoftTouch Sponges
Abrasive grain coated on a sponge backing
Wet or Dry Use
Package of 20
Carborundum EZ Touch Sanding Sponges
Abrasive grain coated on a sponge backing
Can be used wet or dry
Sponge size 4-1/2" x 5-1/2" x 3/16"
Package of 20 Sponges
Cross-over for Norton Soft-Touch Sponges for Fine Finishing
- Eliminates finger marks
- Conformable to all shapes
- Generates a uniform finish
- Grit printed on the back of each sponge
- Highly conformable
- Ideal for bumpers, jambs and small parts
- Great on contours and edges
Available Abrasive Grades
- Medium
- Fine
- Super Fine
- Ultra Fine
- Micro Fine
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 201193, 70121, 70122, 70123, 70124, 70125, carborundum, fine, medium, micro, mirka, norton, sanding, scotchbrite, sia, sponges, super, touch, ultra, abrasives, polishing pads - compounds, odd sized - square pads, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Touch, Sanding, Sponges, Abrasive, grain, coated, sponge, backing, Sponge, Package, Cross, Norton, Finishing
Description: Carborundum EZ Touch Sanding Sponges. Abrasive grain coated on a sponge backing. Can be used wet or dry. Sponge size 4-1/2" x 5-1/2" x 3/16". Package of 20 Sponges. Cross-over for Norton Soft-Touch Sponges for Fine Finishing.
Categories: Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > Odd Sized & Square Pads
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care
SKU(s): 201193, 201194, 201195, 201196, 201197
MPN(s): 70121, 70122, 70123, 70124, 70125