Norton 97117 Manual Applicator Gun 50ml

Norton 97117 Manual Applicator Gun 50ml
Norton 97117 50ml Manual Applicator Gun for SpeedGrip Structural Adhesives
1:1 mixing ratio
For 50 ml cartridges
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 50ml, 97117, abrasives, applicator, carborundum, gun, manual, mirka, norton, sia, hand tools - equipment, adhesive tools, norton abrasives, Norton, Manual, Applicator, SpeedGrip, Structural, Adhesives, mixing, ratio, cartridges
Description: Norton 97117 Manual Applicator Gun 50ml. Norton 97117 50ml Manual Applicator Gun for SpeedGrip Structural Adhesives. 1:1 mixing ratio. For 50 ml cartridges.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Adhesive Tools
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 200587
MPN(s): 97117