Roberts R8000 replaces 1920 Lift Off Carpet and Adhesive Remover

Roberts R8000 replaces 1920 Lift Off Carpet and Adhesive Remover
Concentrated formula removes floor covering and adhesives
1.5 - 2 hour drying time
1 Gallon Limited Quantities Remain
Discontinued item - limited quantities available
R8000 Series has also been discontinued with no replacement. Limited Quantities Remain
- New R8000 Formulation Replaces Discontinued 1920 - More environmentally friendly
- Mix with water and apply for rapid removal of floor covering and adhesives
- Removes latex, acrylic, permanent, or pressure-sensitive adhesives
- Simply apply to dried adhesive, let it soak, and scrape or wipe up
- Not suited for removing adhesive from wood flooring
- Safe and easy to use
- No harsh chemicals
- Low odor
- Rated for residential and commercial applications
- Non-flammable
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General shipping InformationKeywords: r8000, r8000-1, 1920-1, roberts, adhesive, carpet, gal, lift, off, remover, adhesives sealers - cleaners, cleaners, Roberts, R8000, replaces, Carpet, Adhesive, Remover, Concentrated, formula, removes, floor, covering, adhesives, drying, Gallon, Limited, Quantities, Remain, Discontinued, limited, quantities, available
Description: Roberts R8000 replaces 1920 Lift Off Carpet and Adhesive Remover. Concentrated formula removes floor covering and adhesives. 1.5 - 2 hour drying time. 1 Gallon Limited Quantities Remain. Discontinued item - limited quantities available.
Categories: Adhesives, Sealers & Cleaners > Cleaners
Google Category: Hardware > Adhesives, Coatings & Sealants
SKU(s): 188791, 188792
MPN(s): 1920-1, 1920-4