Tec Forti Flex 1 Latex Modified Thin Set Mortar 50 Lbs

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Tec PermaFlex 300 Latex Modified Thin Set Mortar
PermaFlex 300 Latex Modified Thin Set Mortar is a one-part, polymer-modified, thin set mortar that can be used for installing ceramic, porcelain and others.
- TEC Permaflex Modified Thin Set Mortar
- Good for bonding large format ceramic tile, porcelain and natural stone tiles
- Interior or exterior use
- 50 lb Bag
Tec Forti Flex 1 Latex Modified Thin Set Mortar 50 Lbs
- Forti Flex 1 Thin Set Mortar
- Good for bonding ceramic, porcelain and stone tile
- Interior or exterior use
- 50 lb bag
Forti Flex 1 Thin Set Mortar
- One-part latex modified thin set mortar
- For installing ceramic, porcelain and natural stone tiles
- For use over a variety of substrates
- Provides a reliable bond for basic residential or commercial installations
- Use white thin set mortar for marble tile applications (non-green marble only)
- Not for use with moisture-sensitive stone tile, resin-backed marble, or green marble (use Tec AccuColor EFX Epoxy Grout and Mortar)
- Not for use over rubber, strip wood floors, oriented strand board, particle board, lauan plywood, or single-layer wood floors
- Meets ANSI A118.4 and ANSI A118.11 specifications
Approximate Coverage
Coverage Calculator
Trowel Size Approximate Coverage 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
square notched trowel80-90 sq. ft. per 50 lbs. 1/4" x 3/8" x 1/4"
square notched trowel55-65 sq. ft. per 50 lbs.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 70-6009-3111, 70-6010-3111, bonding, ceramic, commercial, exterior, flex, forti, fortiflex, interior, latex, modified, mortar, one-part, porcelain, reliable, residential, set, stone, ta-480, ta-481, thin, tile, thin-set, thin set, thinset, adhesives sealers - cleaners, mortars - thinset, tec, Forti, Latex, Modified, Mortar, Interior
Description: Tec Forti Flex 1 Latex Modified Thin Set Mortar 50 Lbs. Forti Flex 1 Thin Set Mortar. Good for bonding ceramic, porcelain and stone tile. Interior or exterior use. 50 lb bag.
Categories: Adhesives, Sealers & Cleaners > Mortars - Thinset
Google Category: Hardware > Adhesives, Coatings & Sealants > Glues
SKU(s): 201965, 201966
MPN(s): TA-480 70-6009-3111, TA-481 70-6010-3111