Norton GreenLyte Fibre Grinding Disc 5 Inch Grits 24 - 80

Norton GreenLyte Fibre Grinding Disc 5 Inch Grits 24 - 80
5 Inch GreenLyte Fiber Grinding Disc
Ceramic grain ideal for high pressure
Great for heavy metal removal applications such as weld grinding
Fibre Grinding Discs
- Premium self-sharpening grain for consistent cut and long life
- Grinding aid coating reduces loading and heat
- Reinforced durable fibre backing has tear resistance
Available Grits
- 80
- 60
- 50
- 36
- 24
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 41316, 41317, 41318, 41319, 41320, 66261141316, carborundum, ceramic, discs, fiber, fibre, grain, greenlyte, grinding, inch, mercer, mirka, norton, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, arbor mounted discs, 5 inch, norton abrasives, Norton, GreenLyte, Fibre, Grinding, Grits, Fiber, Ceramic, ideal, pressure, Great, heavy, metal, removal, applications
Description: Norton GreenLyte Fibre Grinding Disc 5 Inch Grits 24 - 80. 5 Inch GreenLyte Fiber Grinding Disc. Ceramic grain ideal for high pressure. Great for heavy metal removal applications such as weld grinding.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Arbor Mounted Discs > 5 Inch
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 200357, 200358, 200359, 200360, 200361
MPN(s): 41316, 41317, 41318, 41319, 41320