Norton Multi Air Dry Ice NorGrip Vacuum Discs 6 Inch Grits 80 - 400

Norton Multi Air Dry Ice NorGrip Vacuum Discs 6 Inch Grits 80 - 400
6" Multi Air Vacuum Discs
100 Dry Ice NorGrip Hook and Loop Discs
Works in Hutchins 6" orbital sander
Multi-Air Dry Ice NorGrip Vacuum Discs Features
- Multi-Air back-up pad with premium abrasive Multi-Air discs to optimize performance, increase productivity and eliminate dust
- Clogging and loading are virtually eliminated
- Cleaner working environment
- Less dust and contamination in the shop
- Substantially longer life and faster cut than conventional abrasives
- B-Weight paper
- Grits 80 - 800
- 100 per pack
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 120, 150, 180, 220, 240, 280, 320, 400, 63642565925, abrasive, discs, disks, dry, grit, hole, hook, ice, inch, loop, mercer, mirka, multi-air, norgrip, sander, sanding, sandpaper, vacuum, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, hook - loop sanding discs, 06 inch discs, norton abrasives, Norton, Multi, NorGrip, Vacuum, Discs, Grits, Works, Hutchins, orbital
Description: Norton Multi Air Dry Ice NorGrip Vacuum Discs 6 Inch Grits 80 - 400. 6" Multi Air Vacuum Discs. 100 Dry Ice NorGrip Hook and Loop Discs. Works in Hutchins 6" orbital sander.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Hook & Loop Sanding Discs > 06 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 200086, 200087, 200088, 200089, 200090, 200091, 200092, 200093, 200094
MPN(s): 63642523429, 63642523430, 63642523434, 63642523435, 63642523436, 63642523437, 63642565916, 63642565920, 63642565925