Mirka Central Vacuum Conversion Kit 5" - 6"

Mirka Central Vacuum Conversion Kit for MR5, MR6
The Mirka MR-5CVC and MR-6CVC is a central vacuum conversion kit for Mirka 5" and 6" non-vacuum sanders.
Conversion Kit for Non-vacuum sanders to a central vacuum sander so that it may be connected to a vacuum system (e.g. shop vac). Kit includes dust shroud, duct pickup tube and other hardware.
Contains the components to convert Mirka MR-525, MR-5 and MR-508 5" Sander, and MR-625, MR-6 and MR-608 6" Sander
MR-5CVC (125mm)
Attachment for a 5" Sander MR5
MR-6CVC (150 mm)
Attachment for a 6" Sander MR6
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General shipping InformationKeywords: sanding, conversion, finish, finishing, kit, mirka, mr-5, mr-series, mr3, mr3cvc, mr5, mr5cvc, mr6, mr6cvc, orbit, random, sander, sanders, tool, tools, vacuum, power tools, accessories, sander accessories, sander vacuum accessories, mirka abrasives, Mirka, Central, Vacuum, Conversion, central, connected, system, includes, shroud, pickup, other, hardware
Description: Mirka Central Vacuum Conversion Kit for MR5, MR6<br />. The Mirka MR-5CVC and MR-6CVC is a central vacuum conversion kit for Mirka 5" and 6" non-vacuum sanders. Conversion Kit for Non-vacuum sanders to a central vacuum sander so that it may be connected to a vacuum system (e.g. shop vac). Kit includes dust shroud, duct pickup tube and other hardware.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Sander Accessories > Sander Vacuum Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sanders
SKU(s): 181760, 181761