Carborundum Carbo CleanAir Hook and Loop 6 Inch Discs Grits 80 - 800

Carborundum Carbo CleanAir Hook and Loop 6 Inch Discs Grits 80 - 800
Carbo CleanAir System
6 Inch Hook and Loop Grip-On Discs
100 Discs per Box
Manufactured By Carborundum
Available Grits 80, 120, 150, 180, 220, 240, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800.
- 6" hook and loop Grip-On discs for the Carbo CleanAir System
- Carbo CleanAir System reduces contaminants and dust
- Fast cut rate and consistent finish throughout life of disc
- Superior resistance to delamination and tearing
- Can be used moist
- "Anti-load" stearate coating provides clogging and loading resistance
- Substantially longer life and faster cut than conventional abrasives
- Combination of 181 vacuum holes in the CleanAir disc and the CleanAir back-up pad optimizes vacuum performance
- Cleaner working environment with lest dust and contamination
- No clogging
- The Carbo CleanAir box clearly identifies the grit
- Access the discs easily with a flip-top opening
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General shipping InformationKeywords: carborundum, gold, psa, sanding, discs, linkroll, mirka, norton, sia, abrasives, 99329, 99330, 99331, 99332, 99333, 99334, 99335, carbo, cleanair, disc, dri-lube, dust, free, grip-on, grit, hook, inch, loop, p120b, p150b, p180b, p22, sanding - grinding discs, hook - loop sanding discs, 06 inch discs, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Carbo, CleanAir, Discs, Grits, System, Manufactured
Description: Carborundum Carbo CleanAir Hook and Loop 6 Inch Discs Grits 80 - 800. Carbo CleanAir System. 6 Inch Hook and Loop Grip-On Discs. 100 Discs per Box. Manufactured By Carborundum.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Hook & Loop Sanding Discs > 06 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 200772, 200773, 200774, 200775, 200776, 200777, 200778, 200779, 200780, 200781, 200782
MPN(s): 99325, 99326, 99327, 99328, 99329, 99330, 99331, 99332, 99333, 99334, 99335