Paladio Wall Ceramic Tile 5 x 13 Listel Decorative Border
Paladio Wall Ceramic Tile 5 x 13 listel accent border
Paladio Wall Decorative Accent Tile
- Wall Ceramic Border Tile
- Preto Cinza black and gray pattern
- Made in Portugal
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General shipping InformationKeywords: ceramic, listle, paladio, tile, tiles-r-us-com, wall, deco, listel, accent, shower, kitchen, listels - border tiles, recer, Paladio, Ceramic, border, Decorative, Accent, Border, Preto, Cinza, black, pattern, Portugal
Description: Paladio Wall Ceramic Tile 5 x 13 listel accent border. Paladio Wall Decorative Accent Tile. Wall Ceramic Border Tile. Preto Cinza black and gray pattern. Made in Portugal.
Categories: Tile > Listels / Border Tiles
Google Category: Hardware > Flooring > Ceramic & Porcelain Flooring
SKU(s): 163
MPN(s): 06CL103171